Course Description

ISO 45001 is a globally recognized standard that sets out the requirements for an Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) management system. This standard provides a systematic approach for organizations to identify and manage potential health and safety risks in the workplace. It focuses on developing and implementing effective policies and objectives to improve OHS performance and create a safe working environment. Organizations of all sizes and industries can benefit from this standard by proactively preventing work-related injuries, illnesses, and fatalities. By adhering to this standard, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to protecting the health and safety of their employees, comply with legal requirements, and foster a culture of continuous improvement in workplace safety.

Course Details

  • Method of delivery: Online

  • Recognition: Exemplar Global Recognised

  • Duration: The course consists of lessons and instructions, both in texts and videos. Please allocate sufficient time to understand the course contents. In addition, you must also allow time to complete an assignment for each module as well as the final assignment.

  • Language: English

  • Requirements: Whilst there are no special requirements for attending this course, the course is about conducting an internal audit of environmental management systems in an organisation. Therefore, familiarity with general environmental issues of the organisation of your choice through some form of training, education or experience is recommended. Students should be able to follow instructions and independently complete the assignments.

  • Time commitment: Self-paced study

  • Certificate: upon successfully completing the course Sysberg will issue you with the ISO 45001 Internal Auditor Certificate of Attainment (Recognised by Exemplar Global)*

  • Eligibility: Upon course completion, student are eligible to apply for Exemplar Global personal certification.

Course Modules

  1. 01
    • Introduction

    • Learning Objectives

    • Message from the Instructor

    • Course Overview

    • How to navigate the course

    • Preliminary Student Questionnaire

    • Questionnaire

  2. 02
    • Learning outcome

    • Understanding the ISO 45001 OH&S

    • ISO 45001 (Occupational Health & Safety) Framework

    • Terms and Definitions

    • Recap

    • Check for understanding of this module

    • Quiz

  3. 03
    • Learning outcome

    • Introduction to Auditing Concepts

    • Types of Audits and Their Purposes

    • Auditor Roles and Responsibilites

    • Principles of Audit Evidence and Decision Making

    • Recap

    • Check your understanding of this module

    • Quiz

  4. 04
    • Learning outcome

    • Clause 4: Context of the Organisation

    • Clause 5: Leadership

    • Clause 6: Planning

    • Clause 7: Support

    • Clause 8: Operation

    • Clause 9: Performance Evaluation

    • Clause 10: Improvement

    • Recap

    • Check your understanding of this module

    • Quiz

  5. 05
    • Learning outcome

    • Planning Phase (setting objectives and targets)

    • Developing an Audit Program

    • Determining Audit Criteria

    • Preparing Audit Checklist

    • Recap

    • Check your understanding of this module

    • Quiz

  6. 06
    • Learning outcome

    • Opening Meeting

    • Collecting Evidence and Data Analysis (ISO 45001 OH&S requirements)

    • Interview Techniques and Observation Skills

    • Taking Audit Notes

    • Audit Report and Preparation (NCR)

    • Writing Non-Conformances

    • Writing Audit Reports

    • Closing Meeting

    • Recap

    • Check your understanding of this module

    • Quiz

  7. 07
    • Overview

    • Context of the organisation

    • Leadership

    • Planning

    • Support

    • Operation

    • Performance Evaluation

    • Improvement

  8. 08
    • Final Assessment Overview

    • Quiz

    • Assignment

  9. 09
    • Congrats! Here's what's next, Check the benefits of enrolling to this course.

    • More resources

    • Final student calibration questionnaire

    • Questionnaire
